Dog Walking and Pet Sitting Services in St. Louis

The next best thing to your being home since 1997.

Give your pets the next best thing to your being there

Pet Sitters who treat your "kids" like family


Dog Walking When You Work

Schedule a Quick Potty or a Walk
Hours Between 10am and 3pm M-F
Extended Walks Available
No Charge for Extra Dogs
Discounts for 2 or More Walks per Week

starting at $25 per walk

Pet Care When You Travel

Schedule one to four times a day
Consistent, Reliable Care at Home
Extended Visits Available
Bed & Breakfast and Overnights
Notification of arrival and visit report

starting at $27 per visit

Pet Care At Your Service

Available for established clients
Perfect for unpredictable schedules
Let us know by 5pm the day before and leave the care to us!
Same Day Also Available

$45 per walk

A lot of Parents like you struggle to find reliable pet care when they aren’t home

What St.Louis Pet Parents Are Saying
About 4 Legged Kids

Services Tailored to What Your Pet Needs

We Make Leaving Home Easier

Step 1

Fill Us In

We gather all those specifics that will give you the confidence to leave them in our care.

Step 2

Customized Plan

We will build a customized plan based on you and your pet's unique care needs.

Step 3

Enjoy Your Time

Leave home knowing your pets are receiving the next best thing to you being there.


We are pet parents also!

We know how much you care about your pets. It can be a struggle to find the best pet care when you can’t be at home. A lot of Parents like you struggle to find reliable pet care when they aren’t home. We will guide you through creating the best plan for your “kids” so you can leave home confident they are getting great care.